Friday, October 9, 2009

Book Review : Star Trek Voyager Unworthy

Kirsten Beyer follows up Full Circle with an even more impressive effort. The crew of Voyager is mostly back together, but under the command of Captain Eden. With a fleet of other ships, they embark with slipstream technology back to the Delta Quadrant. Why anyone from Voyager would want to go back there defies explanation. Still, they go.

Everyone believes that Tom Paris lost his wife and daughter to the Borg, but Paris, now first officer of Voyager, has a secret rendezvous planned so he can reunite with his family. Seven of Nine struggles to accept her humanity and Chakotay remains nearby to help her on her journey. Then there's the doctor...

The television series of Voyager was not one of my favorites. Of all of the writers that have tackled the show in print form, Beyer has been the most consistent and interesting, making me care about these characters in ways that the show was never able to do. I enjoyed Full Circle, but questioned why they would want to go back to the place they spent seven years trying to escape. With Unworthy, Beyer puts the characters in familiar territory and creates something completely different in feel and tone. The new characters are worthwhile and the characters Voyager fans love grow and are actually interesting for a change. I look forward to the next Voyager novel to find out what happens next to everyone, both old Voyager crew and the new recruits. One aspect that had me concerned while reading it was the possibility that Seven of Nine could overshadow everyone else. Fortunately, that doesn't happen.

Beyer should have been a staff writer when the show was on the air. Unworthy is worthy indeed.

9 out of १०