Last Thursday we began our little Star Trek Caption Contest, and we now have our three winners. If you remember, the prize is “Star Trek: The Art of the Film”, published by Titan Books. First, here’s the image we asked you to humorously caption:
We had a lot of great entries, and I want to thank everyone for participating. Here are the winning captions:
From Cynic710:
I was just sitting here thinking, ” I canna change the laws of physics! I’ve got to have thirty minutes”, so i called microsoft and BAM, physics changed in 5 minutes now” 7, my idea.
From Ashton:
First I fight off zombies….then I have to straighten out a town full of crazy town folk… you want me to be head of engineering of a Federation ship? Haven’t I given you all I got already?!
From William M:
What? I know it’s a Federation computer, but gimme’ a break. You try being stationed all the way out here without scoping a little porn now and then.
Congratulations to all the winners! Please email me at dankoelsch[AT] with your full name and mailing address so we can get you your prize!
“Star Trek: The Art of the Film
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