Tuesday, June 2, 2009

EA launches Star Trek Mobile game

So, you’re stuck at the DMV and it looks like you’ll be there until Christmas is you’re lucky, what to do? Well thanks to EA Mobile you have a new option to break up the monotony of waiting around. Be the first to download the new Star Trek Mobile Game.

The game will remind gamers of their days playing 1942 and Raiden but with a Star Trek twist. Boasting top down graphics that require a good deal of fast reflexes and deft controls the game has a lot of promise. The beauty comes in the games simplicity and options. You can take care of the piloting while the computer deals with the firing to a certain degree or you can have full control of the action.

Characters from the movie make appearances as well further immersing you into the action. If you have an iPhone or an iPod touch then this game should be right up your alley. Check out this link for the demo of the game and a link to getting a copy for yourself: