Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Book Review : Star Trek Inception

"You're an overgrown jack rabbit, an elf with a hyperactive thyroid." Kirk to a spore-induced Spock who loves Leila Kalomi. (This Side of Paradise)

Ever wonder where Mr. Spock met that blonde botanist in the episode with the flowers shooting people? I hadn't either. S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison did, however, and Inception is the result.

Carol Marcus, another pretty scientist, has a dream to help ease the process of terraforming planets. She receives financial backing and recruits a team of scientists to help her, including Leila. Leila is getting over her boyfriend's betrayal when she meets Spock in a museum. Of course, Carol can't stop thinking about her Starfleet officer with aspirations of being a captain someday. As they and the team progress with their experiments, a man who sees their attempts as going against nature tries to rally people to stop them.

Greenpeace collides with a romance novel in this strange book. Told through Leila and Carol's point of view, Kirk and Spock feel off and the women seem too emotional and swoony (is that a word?). Also, the page count and size of the print are not close to what is expected of a Star Trek novel today. Overall, this novel is more bun than burger.

6 out of 10