Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spectacular Sunday Finale at Star Trek Convention. Quinto / Shatner / Nimoy

Zachary Quinto talks "Star Trek". Photo/Terra King

The finale of the 2009 Las Vegas "Star Trek" convention was an amazing day.

I spent the whole day in the "Gene and Majel Roddenberry Theatre (now once more, the Barron Room.)

The first guest was the new Mr. Spock, Zachary Quinto. Zachary is eloquent and funny. He seems like a very warm young man. He certainly is good on-stage with no script (some actors aren't.)

He fielded questions from the audience about his part in J.J. Abrams "Star Trek". How he found out he got the part, (in bed.) What he thought about his fellow actors in the new film (he made jokes about Chris Pine.) It looks like there will be another "Spock, Kirk" competition.

One particularly funny and warm moment was when a fan tried to get her question out and could only babble and cry. She ended up with a hug from Zachary. (I can cry....)

Zachary answers questions. Photo/Terra King

Fans stand in line to talk to Zachary. Photo/Terra King

The next guest speaker was Jacob Kogan, he played the young Spock in "Star Trek"

This young man is 14 and is a better speaker than many I have seen twice his age. People continually asked if he got special treatment at school, more girls, etc. and he insisted that "".

He says his favorite scene of the film was the first scene.

Several people commented on his stage presence and they were right. He seems to be an "old soul". Very sure of himself and excited to be a working actor.

When asked if he will be in the sequel he said "he wished", but didn't see a way to have a flashback. I think Abrams should make sure he is in the sequel, he's a great asset to the first film.

Jacob Kogan, Young Spock. Photo/Terra King

And finally, the "piesta resistance". William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, together.

It's a rare treat to see the two original stars of "Star Trek".

Coming out first was Shatner, he is a very dramatic person as most people know and he was in good form on Sunday. He answered a few questions, in long form. He talked about how he hadn't seen "Star Trek", because it would have been embarrassing to go to a theatre and be recognized as William Shatner...Captain Kirk. He also mentioned he could of seen it in his hotel room the night before the appearance....but didn't.

Finally, after Shatner talked for a long while, Leonard Nimoy walked onstage through the back curtain to huge applause. The banter started right away. It was quickly apparent that these two men have great affection for each other.

They went back and forth about how Shatner hadn't seen the new "Star Trek", (which featured Leonard Nimoy.) And then, back and forth about how Nimoy hadn't seen "Generations", (which featured Shatner.)

It was all very funny and heart warming.

Of course there were auctions and signings etc all day. But it truly is the guest stars and panels that were the highlight of the convention.