Monday, September 21, 2009

Gender Discrimination in Star Trek Halloween Costumes

No, this isn’t about the miniskirts and go-go boots. Rather, this is something that might make the female geek population a little angry. You see, my wife and I decided (as many the geek couple will do) to get matching costumes for Halloween. And to show our Trek pride, we wanted classic/movie-style uniforms. Well, the makers of the current batch of costumes available in stores and online obviously know their male Trek-fan demographic pretty well, because - convenient for the more Rubinesque guy-geeks - the costumes come in “plus” sizes, as the image below demonstrates. (No “there be whales here” jokes, please.)

Marketing Image From

Marketing Image From

On the other hand, go looking for a classic or movie-Trek costume for a woman, and the sizes only go up to medium. Yes, medium.

Marketing Image From

Marketing Image From

If you do a little digging, you can find - wait for it - DS9 jumpsuits in larger sizes for women, but that’s it.

So what would we logically deduce by this odd state of affairs? That somehow only male Trek fans wear clothes over the size of medium? Or that no woman bigger than a certain body type would/should ever want to wear a miniskirt? The only conclusion I can come to is that whoever licensed the rights to make Star Trek costumes this year made a big mistake.