Monday, September 7, 2009

Star Trek science

The Greeks used the word “nanos” to mean dwarf and in 1960 the term nanometre came into use, meaning a billionth of a metre – about 10 atoms long.

Nanotechnology scientists now aim to manipulate molecules and atoms to guide medicines through the body and to create complex computers so small they can hardly be seen.

In the future it is even hypothesised there could be a machine along the lines of a Star Trek replicator with atoms being re-arranged by machine to create anything people want.

But there have long been concerns.

In 1986, Dr K Eric Drexler wrote Engines of Creation, popularising the idea of nanotechnology but also coining the term “grey goo” to address the possibility of nano-sized replicating robots multiplying to frightening numbers. That has never happened but as nanotechnology develops the world has to face up to a series of perplexing questions, not only relating to its potential health implications.

These include:

Who will own the technology?

Will it be heavily restricted, or widely available?

What will it do to the gap between rich and poor?

How can dangerous weapons be controlled, and perilous arms races be prevented?