Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quantum Creation 101: Set Star Trek phasers to stunning

Captain James T. Kirk instructed his away team, “Set phasers to stun.” If the object of their concern became crankily malevolent, one of the crew would de-materialize the poor thing. Zap! Gone… evaporated into the ethos of scattered photons, electrons and other quantum critters.

Fantasy and science fiction tales transport us to realities that some only dream about. However, some visionaries, practitioners and theoretical physicists argue that our entire reality is nothing but a figment of our imagination.

As a child you probably sang the song, Row, Row, Row your boat. Listen carefully, some part of your consciousness is actually singing the song as your read the opening stanza. Do you hear it? Are you aware of the various levels of your awareness? Do you recognize the one who reads while the other one sings?

Have you ever said, “I can’t get the song out of my head”?
Who is “I” and who is playing the annoying song in your head?

The key line in the entire song is… life is but a dream. How many times have you heard or sung this song and never even contemplated what the song is about? Makes you wonder how many other clues to “reality” pass your awareness every day, does it not?

Just as your “awareness” can be multiple places at the same time (1), Erwin Schrodinger postulated a scenario known as Schrodinger’s Cat to explain the concept that particles can occur in multiple places, or in particle waves, UNTIL an observation occurs which collapses the wave, i.e. creating an outcome.

Schrodinger suggested that if a particle could exist at both A and B, then a cat whose life depended on the particle being at B would be both dead and alive until we take a peek. Once an observation is made the outcome becomes fixed in reality.

What does this have to do with me? EVERYTHING!

For every situation, there are potentially and infinite number of outcomes. Once you focus your attention on one outcome, your powerful observation skills make that outcome reality. This is a big deal.

For example, let us assume Belinda is unhappy with her career. She is a real estate agent and she has not sold a house in many months. She became an agent ten years ago when the economy was booming and she was making a lot of money. But as the economy slowed, she became more and more aware of her dissatisfaction with her career choice.

She always wanted to be an actress but now she believes she is too old, too fat, and too far from Hollywood. Belinda’s observations (assumptions) are effectively collapsing all opportunities to such a degree that even if the local theater group called her and invited her to audition she would not even try.

For Belinda, her limiting beliefs will block all roads to successful outcomes.

The key to grasping the infinite possibilities presented in every moment is to focus on the fact that every moment presents infinite possibilities.

Let’s assume Belinda realizes she is stuck in a mental trap and calls her best friend. Her friend encourages Belinda to develop her skills by taking classes or lessons and signing up with a local theater troupe.

The problem is that the friend, in trying to help, further collapsed Belinda’s infinite wave of possibility. Belinda is fixated on local performances when in fact, she may have actually been happier as a keynote speaker traveling the country.

Rather than defining a narrow focus on outcomes, rather, explore the characteristics of the thing(s) you want. A skilled coach can help. What presents itself may actually be far better than anything you can imagine. If, as some theorize, reality is nothing more than a holographic projection comprised of quantum particles and waves, and the act of observation creates what we call reality, then why not create the reality you want?

Set your phasers for infinite possibilities, keep your mind open to unexpected information and be ready when your results are absolutely stunning.

Bliss and blessings to All,