Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Star Trek podcast prospers

TrekCast T-shirt

iTunes lists about 35 Star Trek-specific podcasts, and many others devoted to sci fi in general. One that is gaining audience share rapidly for its dynamic mix of interviews and original features is Trekcast. Trekcast's listener base has tripled in recent weeks, according to their website.

David Ivy, founder of Trekcast, and co-host Darren Benjamin, have put together a podcast with production values rather beyond the ordinary, with original skits and theme music.

Episode 34, filed June 29, features an interview with author Kevin Dilmore (Foundations, A Time to Harvest) and a rave review of TNG "All Good Things" Enterprise D from Diamond Select Toys. Ivy and Benjamin do two shows a week, with 34 podcasts so far and 22 supplements as well.

Trekcast suggests a voluntary $5/month subscription fee, or a one-time gratuity, on their site; they also are selling T-shirts. Subscribers get access to special episode commentary casts.